Thursday, 17 December 2015

Filming Update (1)

Developing the Idnet

For our two idents (Covert Productions and Trppd) we first drew initial drafts of what we wanted each one to look like when completed. We then went into the pre-production stage of creating our idents.

Covert Productions
After drawing our ident we then had to begin creating it. The idea behind our ident was that it would connote that the man in the image was wearing a mask and therefore how he portrayed himself was not how he actually was. The ident includes two images of the man one of him standing next to the wall in person and one of a photograph of him smiling. We took several images for the mask design. Here are a few examples:
One we had taken our images we then selected our best one and used it for the mask model. Then we began filming the ident in the same location the mask images were taken in order to create a sense of continuity. We took several images in order to create a moving image. Each time an image was taken the mask was now further away from the man's face showing his less cheerful true self.

For our 'Trppd' (pronounced Trapped) ident we aimed to create a sense of claustrophobia and being stuck somewhere unwillingly which our connotations of events which happen in both our and previous thriller films which we have researched. We created this connotations through the bars which seem to create a sense of a prison like confined cell where you are alone and not able to be free similar connotations to that of the man being experimented on in our extract.

Tuesday, 1 December 2015

Drawn Storyboard

I accidentely missed out Shot 25 so therefore it is placed at the end of the last sheet.

Saturday, 14 November 2015

Final Idea

Final Idea

-       Covert Productions and Trppd idents are shown to the audience.

-       The first scene which is located in a white experimentation room )a white wall.)  is of an unidentifiable nurse seen experimenting on a man. She is seen putting doctors electrodes on his head, he is in a panicked state, however is silent.

-       The man closes and then opens his eyes, he has changed his location and is now located in a football field. He is still sitting silently staring directly into the camera. A football match is seen happening behind him. The man then begins to shout “Pass” continuously, as the other boys playing football shout mild abuse at him. This is the first signifier that these memories which he is having and will have are all about bad moments in his life and him reflecting on them in this time of crisis.

-       The man closes and opens his eyes again and is located back in the experimentation room. The nurse is still unidentifiable but is continuing to test on the man by forcefully forcing a form of liquid into his mouth.  He is seen still struggling but carries on with the experimentation.

-       In what is the third time in which the man opens and closes his eyes and he once again changes location. He is now reflecting on another life experience of school-life once again suggesting it was a bad moment in his life. He is seen sitting in an exam/detention style set up with desks located in a school hall with other pupils throwing paper balls at him suggesting he was bullied at school.

-       The man comes back to realization as he opens and closes his eyes once more as he is now back in the experimentation room. A close up of the women’s hand is seen as she is checking his vitals. The man is seen shaking uncontrollably. The man shuts his eyes yet again suggesting another flashback of events that may have effecting the mans present day.

-       The man opens his eyes and is now based in a family living room. The man is located sitting in the corner of the room with the family located in the centre. Both sets of characters are in the frame however the family is playing a board game and completely ignoring him suggesting his neglect by his family. While the family is laughing and playing the board game , the man is seen staring at them sadly suggesting that he wants to partake in his family activities however is neglected from even the simplest of family bonding activities.

-       The man opens and closes his eyes and is once again now back in the experimentation room for the final. A close up of his eyes shows that he is repeatedly blinking before he suddenly opens his eyes instantly as though is in some form of pain suggesting the nurse has injected or stabbed him etc. The name of the title of the film then appears across the mans eyes and the screen fades to black.

-       The final scene is now located in a montage of two locations. An open space and his office. These two varied locations are used to create a juxtaposition between an open space and an interior closed space. In the outside location the mans different body parts are seen suggesting to the audience that they are finally going to get some information on who the man is. The inside setting consists of the man looking through some Facebook profiles. The man begins to get a notebook and flick through it as he does so the titles start to appear on the page including cast and crew names. The outside shits continue as the pan across the mans body continues until a close up of the mans eyes are seen. The screen then fades to black which indicates the end of the opening sequence. 

Monday, 2 November 2015

Ident 2 (Thriller Genre)

Ident Reasearch 1 (Another Genre)

IDENT RESEARCH 1 (another genre)

Walt Disney Productions 

  • Font of the text 'Walt Disney' is written in a childlike manner (Informal and Curley,) in order to create a childlike feel for the film which is the main target audience for Disney films so therefore the audience can relate to the childlike and 'fun' writing but it also had elements of intertextuality with the actual films as they are also often fun and childlike
  • especially chosen for the target audience of children, the castle represents a sense of imagination and fantasy which both once again have intertextuality and relevance to Disney films but also is what the target audience of children often think about (imagination and fantasy) which is why it has been used by the Disney company.
  • castle location gives sense of power and royalty as the castle is isolated with plenty of landscape. This is in reference to the power and royalty which is often presented within Disney films (intertextuality)
Many of the castles colours connote a sense of happiness :
  • The colours are fairly bright and colorful in the Disney indent as this creates a sense of happiness even though it is obviously becoming closer to evening the happiness is still present. 
  • The pink sky also suggests and sunny day the next day which therefore is also a reference that the next day will be happy as happiness is a connotation of sun. 
  • the castle is also very bright and lit up suggesting happiness once more 
Happiness is often a connotation of children also, so the indent has been designed to be both in reference to the happiness of the Disney films and happiness of the main target audience of children.

Potential Ideas

Analysis of a thriller of my choice.

Thriller I Like/Don't Like Review

For this task I had to evaluate 2 Thriller Film Opening Sequences

One I Liked and One I Didn't

The Films I Chose were :

The Machinist - Thriller I Like
Psycho (1960) - Thriller I Don't Like

Analysis of a Thriller I Don't Like

A Thriller I Like

Although this is one piece of work I have shown it in 2 different images so all the information can be clearly readable.

Analysis of 'The Prestige'

Genre Research : Limitless

Saturday, 31 October 2015

Art of the Title

Art of the title (The Inner Working)

  • Inner Workings are all of the techniques used in films and opening sequences.

  • The Inner Working "Art of the title" article explains that title sequences although they have similar themes if they are in the same genre some opening sequence not don't just focus on a specific genre but also try to break the boundaries of film genres by incorporating original ideas which may not stereotypical in relation to the genre and therefore are different to other types of opening sequences in the same genre. 
  • The writer then goes on to say about the use of techniques in opening sequences and how it effects opening sequences and goes on to give examples of techniques (Close-Up's and Overlapping Imagery') used in opening sequences regularly.
  • The article then states that people now enjoy both mechanical (animation etc,) and organic (simple shot without animation or effects added,) and sometimes in films they are either used separately or together side by side.
  • Talking about the opening titles of films, the writer say that title designs are a place where certain qualities such as graphic and technical techniques such as animations are a good place to use these effects as it can show different,extraordinary and abstract qualities which the audience find intriguing as it is something which is not seen in everyday life.
  • It is then said that although 'Inner Workings' are not genre specific and are use by a wide range of genres it is mostly used by sci-fi's and fantasy films.) 

Hybrid Thrillers

Sub Genre

Pure Thrillers

Thriller Genre Research.

Thursday, 15 October 2015

My Group for the Main Task

My Group

General Overview

The reason I chose to work with this group of people are for a variety of different reasons such as:

  • The majority of group members bring previous media experience to the group
  • The group of people are quite easy for me to communicate with. This is something I struggled with when we completed the AS Preliminary Task. Therefore I looked to work with a group of people whom I feel comfortable communicating with.
  • Each member of the group although we have allocated specific roles have various qualities and skills which they can bring in addition to their allocated roles.

Name of Group Member

Why did you choose to go with this person/What will they bring

George Machin (Myself)

I will bring my media experience to the group having studied it like other members at my group at GCSE level attaining a high and respectable grade. From my experience in both The preliminary task and my two years of doing GCSE Media, I am able to bring variety of skills (such as filming, editing, planning etc.) and creative ideas (such as how certain techniques will be used in order to have a certain effect on a particular target audience.) to the group.

Sam Holloway

Sam is someone who is new to Media but is actually very good at directing and coming up with creative ideas. He is also someone who I communicate well with which is something I learnt is a necessity from experiences in my Preliminary Task. Although he has little media experience, Sam showed during the preliminary task (as we were in the same group) that his directing skills were good and that his effort/enthusiasm  to get tasks to look professional shows that he is willing to work hard to get the best result possible.

Leonie Law

Leonie has had media experience in the past having taking it at GCSE level meaning that she know skills which she learnt from the last two years of studying Media Studies and can bring her experiences to the group. She also showed her editing and leadership skills in previous tasks we have done both together and with others which shows that she will be able to take a leadership role when needed in the task however she is also very good at listening to other people and ideas which they make for certain tasks. Similar to Sam she is easy to communicate with and is hard working and determined to make sure all pieces of works/extracts will be completed to high standards.

Ellie Mayer

Ellie also has GCSE Media experience so like Leonie will be able to bring her previous knowledge to this task. Ellie has put herself forward for a filming role, something which she obviously feels confident that she is strong at. She is someone who I feel comfortably communicating with and she takes criticism to work well as she wants to make sure that all work is completed to the best ability possible.

What Is The Main Task?

Initial Response